
Agenda Item 102



Subject:        Farming in Brighton & Hove


Date of meeting:    7 April 2022


Proposer:                 Councillor Nemeth

Seconder:                Councillor Meadows


Ward(s) affected:   All



The Mayor has determined that the following Notices of Motion will be accepted due to the special circumstances that led to them being submitted outside of the usual timeframes. A request was made for previously submitted NOMs to be replaced to comply with the guidance relating to Local Authority publicity.



Notice of Motion


from the CONSERVATIVE Group



This Council:


1.    Notes that the Council’s rural estate consists of approximately 12,800 acres within the South Downs National Park; much of which is worked by loyal and long-standing tenant farmers;


2.    Recognises the tireless efforts of local farmers who produce food for the city;


3.    Recognises the shared aims of Councillors on a cross-party basis to produce food locally and sustainably;


4.    Notes concerns of farmers about disproportionate consultation with lobbying groups during the Council’s City Downland Estate Plan process rather than with those producing the food that we eat; and


5.    Requests urgent steps to be taken to address the concerns of farmers through extensive consultation prior to any votes taking place on the final City Downland Estate Plan.